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Side-projects , more games

Started by Prime_8, Jun 18, 2019, 06:55 am

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lol lots of XP stuff works way better on wine. really sad. the real reason was the way in which MS decided to patch exploits over the years.  one that is kinda forgivable but still sucks was some types of memory manipulation.  the idea was to stop some viruses and network security hacks that worked by letting one exe mess with another exe's memory footprint.  ironically it also blocked an exe from touching its own ram directly using 'unusual' access, or simple functionality that was considered normal for c and c++. again here it was MS that decide normal.

So lets say a real cool app i have that only works in XP  ( TexturemakerPro), would access it own ram directly to set its usability level as a copy protection system.  Vista, W7, W10 (now )  blocks that.
for a short with .. right up until last month w10 could run that app. But thanks to Intell security fuck ups, MS decided to kill direct memory bit flipping type stuff again in w10. the result is the EXE cant properly start.
It would require me to set up an XP VM to run it now. one app is not worth that.

I'm into the code now so not much cool to show project wise.


It's weird when you think about it, but the XBOX One has superior backwards compatibility. It will play a lot of XBOX 360 games and even a number of original XBOX games. (of course, it just emulates them) And, up until recently, they were adding more and more games. (now they're focusing on the next XBOX) So, why do they rock at adding compatibility with that for years, yet remove more and more compatibility with their desktop OS? There's something deeply wrong there.

There's no hell as deep in computers (for average users) as dorking around with that stupid compatibility tool in Windows, trying to find a setting that will run your program. ::) Though, WINE can be equally frustrating. Really, your best bet is to just run the software in the OS that it was designed for. Sadly, that's not always feasible. Nowadays, you can't even "activate" WinXP online, so you'd have to find a workaround for that. I know they exist, but it's still a pain in the ass.


one would probably spend less time just running a VM

>> so when you make a new game using teh guts of an old game as teh template / foundation ...
' things happen '

found this lil guy in my level when I test ran it.


it's supposed to look more like this ...

much much better

still, the control logic is all wrongs and such, but it 'floats' on the water


That looks good.

I'm not a big fan of VMs. I've had software flat out refuse to run on the virtual disc before. It won't do it because it thinks you're running a copy. Also, USB support is laughable at best, or at least it was a few years ago. Though, I don't think WINE has USB support.

Man, so many things we're discussing are dredging up why I hate Windows. I may just wipe the HDD on that laptop and install Linux.


na if you have w10 pro , do a side by side . 
The guy i do most of my code work with keeping a dual boot, LOL. when he's feeling like realy multitasking he runs the w10 in a VM in his Linux, or the other way round depending on what we're are working on.

anyhow i need to solve ship wake on the water now. ugh.
i have ideas
like this but it will just be over the surface of the water.


Yeah, I'm sure I'll dual boot it. I got the computer and it looks nice, really good shape, but I haven't set it up or anything. There's all that initial BS to do in Windows, then installing Solus OS.

That looks cool. The ship wake isn't even something I'd have thought of, but it's definitely necessary.


Quote from: Prime_8 on Jun 21, 2019, 09:42 pmanyhow i need to solve ship wake on the water now. ugh.
First, that's very cool.

And second, a wake?  That's going to be very cool!
3DSciFi.com  Welcome!


I need to figure out how to scroll the V of the UV's on the wake texture to negate motion of the ship.  the rail will also work for missile trails/ exhaust.
it's hard to grab the shot and make the wake at the same time right now. LOL
I had to use the timer tool in the Win screen snip tool


Quote from: scifieric on Jun 22, 2019, 12:42 am
Quote from: Prime_8 on Jun 21, 2019, 09:42 pmanyhow i need to solve ship wake on the water now. ugh.
First, that's very cool.

And second, a wake?  That's going to be very cool!

I need to figure out bow wake now.



i took a break form wake and such to add in camera and unit selection stuff.
merging some tuts about RTS into my game code.

func _process(delta):
    var m_pos = get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
    #cam control
    calc_move(m_pos, delta) # check for edges of teh screen touched by mouse and moev teh cam rig accordingly
    var rot_delta = 0.0
    var move_vec = Vector3()
    if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"): #is_action_just_pressed("ui_left"): # single shot
        move_vec.x -= 1
    if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"):
        move_vec.x += 1
    if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"):
        move_vec.z -= 1
    if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down"):
        move_vec.z += 1
    if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_page_up"):
        move_vec.y += 1
    if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_page_down"):
        move_vec.y -= 1
    if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_pan_left"):
        rot_delta -= 1
    if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_pan_right"):
        rot_delta += 1
    $CamPivot.rotation_degrees.y += rot_delta # isolate cam rotation to orbit about the CamBase spatial
    move_vec = move_vec.rotated(Vector3(0, 1, 0), rotation_degrees.y )
    global_translate(move_vec * delta * MOVE_SPEED)
    # FLow
    if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_cancel"):
        get_tree().quit()# kill the game
    if Input.is_action_just_pressed("main_command"): # right mouse
    if Input.is_action_just_pressed("alt_command"): # left mouse
        selection_box.start_sel_pos = m_pos
        start_sel_pos = m_pos
    if Input.is_action_pressed("alt_command"):
        selection_box.m_pos = m_pos
        selection_box.is_visible = true
        selection_box.is_visible = false
    if Input.is_action_just_released("alt_command"):


Scott, you NEVER cease to amaze me.  Outstanding.
3DSciFi.com  Welcome!



so i have the terrain and sea working in the  RTS test.
the app scans the mesh and calculates a nav mesh for unit pathfinding.
for some reason, the ting fails in the main game. crash to desktop. LOL
works fine in the test app. I will have to look closer. I'm probably missing a step. LOL
 but this generates the water surface and land mass surface that can be clickable.


Wild!  Good luck finding the problem.
3DSciFi.com  Welcome!