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Enterprise Redesign 2020

Started by scifidude79, May 24, 2020, 02:46 pm

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deut-poop vents look cool .

you would never know when  purging some might be handy especially if it could be ignited post-dump .
excite it enough and it can make 3H, Tritium and have a nasty nuclear fire behind you. It's like NoS for nukes.

... or a pretty light show.

(Tritium is safe* and when mixed with or in a phosphor coated container make great glowing key chains that will glow for decades without harm .  there i some deuterium and tritium  in you rite now . LOL . if you had enough to fill a florescent tube , it would glow softly for ages)

so yeah could be a  cool thing to do, possibly even tactical especially if you could scoop up more hydrogen and convert it up to deut'


Thanks Scott.

Obviously, that's not the intended use of such a system. The intent is, if your fusion reactors are about to go critical, you'd dump the fuel. Also, one would assume if you separated the saucer section and it was going to crash on a planet, you'd want to dump any volatile fuels to lessen the chance of an explosion. Funny how that never comes up in Star Trek, either in Generations or Beyond.

But, you can of course use such a system in a way that it's not intended to be used. We've seen at least a few examples of that in canon Star Trek. For one, released and ignited the Galileo's fuel to send up a flare in The Galileo Seven. They ejected and blew up the warp core of the Enterprise-E in Insurrection to stop the subspace tear. Then, in the first JJ Abrams Star Trek film, they also ejected and blew up the Enterprise's warp core to escape the black hole in the film's climax. And, there were a few other times they vented and ignited fuel. So, yeah, it's entirely possible.


I've decided to do this model differently than I do a lot of my models. Usually, I do all of the grid lines first and then windows, because those are both tedious. However, I decided this time to just complete an area and then move on. So, I'm doing the saucer top first. I started with some RCS thrusters, phasers and access panels. I also added the upper registry and a couple other things. I'm trying to keep the details balanced between stuff I like from different sources, including the original Enterprise, the TMP refit and the Kelvin Timeline ships. I also plan to do some stuff that will (hopefully) be unique to me.

For the phasers, I decided to make them turrets, rather than just nubs with holes in them. I think this looks more realistic and less refined than the later era phasers. I could have cut the access panels into the hull, but there would have been little benefit as you won't be able to tell in most renders. And, of course, the text won't be visible most of the time either. **shrugs**

For the RCS thrusters, I went with a vent look.


Chris, that looks FANTASTIC!  I am loving this version!
3DSciFi.com  Welcome!



This is sort of a mini update. I got some feedback on the text over at Scifi-Meshes, so I tried out a suggestion and put the NCC-1701 text on the lower part of the saucer:

I wasn't fond of how that looked, so I took that suggestion and some of the others and blended them together to make some changes and come up with something I like better:

Firstly, all of the text is smaller. The NCC-1701 text is slightly smaller, the USS Enterprise text is significantly smaller. I also changed the font from Airborne II to Airborne Pilot, because I wanted to. 😉 I moved the text closer to the edge of the ridge and moved my phasers from 33.3 degrees to 45 degrees, then re-spaced the text to easily fit between the phasers. I also moved the Enterprise text towards the edge and put it inside the arc of the NCC-1701 text. The other change I made had nothing to do with the text, but I moved the access panels more towards the center of the lower area of the saucer, because I like how that looks. It also helps make that area look less "empty."

This is all I plan to do for now, as I have a headache and just want to play a game or something until it goes away. I would be installing a new drive for storing games into my PC, but Amazon decided they didn't want to deliver it today. The whole reason I ordered the drive I did was because it was supposed to be delivered today, and I don't work Saturday nights. So, to not get it today as planned is irritating, to say the least.


Some more work done. I'm pretty close to being done with the top of the saucer section. I just have some details to add to the structure below the bridge, the bridge itself and the impulse/fusion reactor area.


I'm testing out an idea for the upper sensor array. I like it, so I'll probably keep it.


WOW!  That looks awesome!  Excellent work, Chris!
3DSciFi.com  Welcome!



Very cool, Chris.
Loving the phaser turrets, I went that way with the refit, instead of the nipples.
Like you I think it more realistic.

I am also loving the extra details on the panels.
Here we are. Born to be Kings, were the Princes of the Universe!

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I finished up the details on the upper saucer. The only way any of this will change will be if I decide to do another detail pass later. But, that's not likely to happen, as Starfleet ships aren't known for having an excessive amount of exterior details. And, even though this is a reboot of sorts, there's no reason to stray too far from tradition on this. If I wanted to do something with gobs of detail, I'd do a ship from another race (like the Klingons) or just switch to another franchise or do something original.


Here we are. Born to be Kings, were the Princes of the Universe!

My DeviantArt Page: https://www.deviantart.com/micetich
My Wordpress Blog: https://freakart89.wordpress.com/