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Side-projects , more games

Started by Prime_8, Jun 18, 2019, 06:55 am

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Wow!  Fantastic work, Scott!  I would have loved to have seen the HDRI Bloom lighting.  Welcome!


well, you can see it in motion  ..

? is my Mic volume low? I can't tell.


I watched and was fascinated!  Welcome!


I'm watching a YT tut rite now / refresher on polling inputs, so I can make it auto-detect joysticks for flying the Lil guy . its a 38min video ... all about code so not much better than paint drying. LOL

Thanks man


Quote from: Prime_8 on Jan 26, 2020, 05:49 pmI'm watching a YT tut rite now / refresher on polling inputs, so I can make it auto-detect joysticks for flying the Lil guy . its a 38min video ... all about code so not much better than paint drying. LOL

Thanks man
Yeah, there are aspects to any hobby that are tedious.  But, your results are spectacular!  Welcome!


well looks like RCS systems and impulse drives may be in today.

below is the nugget that will allow basic RCS like control of the ship. it's physics enabled with some tweaks.
I will have to work on the control mode to extend the functionality.

extends RigidBody

export(float) var thrust_force = 10.0

func _ready():
custom_integrator = true

func _integrate_forces(state):
var thrust = Input.get_action_strength("thrust")
var turn_left = Input.get_action_strength("turn_left")
var turn_right = Input.get_action_strength("turn_right")
var pitch_up = Input.get_action_strength("pitch_up")
var pitch_down = Input.get_action_strength("pitch_down")

var has_input = thrust + turn_left + turn_right + pitch_up + pitch_down

if has_input > 0.5:
state.sleeping = false

var rot = state.transform.basis.get_rotation_quat()
var vel = state.linear_velocity
var turn = (turn_right * -1.0) + turn_left
var pitch = (pitch_up * -1.0) + pitch_down

var qpitch = Quat(Vector3.RIGHT, pitch*state.step)
var qturn = Quat(Vector3.UP, turn*state.step)

vel += rot.xform(Vector3.FORWARD) * thrust * -thrust_force * state.step

state.linear_velocity = vel*.998
state.angular_velocity *= .998
state.transform.basis = Basis(qturn * rot * qpitch)


update video,

mostly just ship in simple motion showing how the skybox light works on the hull and hull normals.

I have to sew in the physics stuff and rework the camera to have a proper smooth chase mode


Quote from: Prime_8 on Jan 27, 2020, 02:43 pmwell looks like RCS systems and impulse drives may be in today.
Out-flipping-standing!  Well done, Scott!
Quote from: Prime_8 on Jan 27, 2020, 04:33 pmmostly just ship in simple motion showing how the skybox light works on the hull and hull normals.

I have to sew in the physics stuff and rework the camera to have a proper smooth chase mode
Wild.  I was watching the real-time reflections and such were bounding off the ship.  VERY, very cool!  Welcome!


ok so .  if you have a xbox game pad / controller or something that can emulate it handy you can have a try .  its a test build i did for jim  who was helpin' me with spatial maths , fixing my work  LOL  :P

yes it's a 7zip .  you will need a 7zip compatible archive manager to  unpack it . 2 files an exe and package file .

Rite now it's only setup  to a xbox style controller, so if you have one ( or you have a steam controller and know how to launch/add a non-steam game into steam in xbox emulation mode )  ~ i don't have my flight stick setup yet or there would be profiles and such .. that's coming . ( so is keyboard and mouse )

so any how controls are setup like a R/C plane . left analog stick has thrust on vertical axis, and yaw on horz' axis .
rights stick is pitch on vertical axis , and roll / bank  on horz' axis
A button is space break , it 0's out all motions. the other fighter is physics enabled , if you hit it , it will move and drift away. LOL

your rigs is gonna complain that the exe is not signed ..  meh yep for now.

I'm hoping to have dog fighting over network and simple AI in soon .

and in the original intent of BYOF ... you should be able to import any mesh made in blender.
of course poly limits and such will apply but not as bad as the old days .
I will have export recipe template  so you guys can fly your ST, SW ,Other and Original Universe creations about.

I will have a bunch of my own original universe ships to start .

for those who can use Godot's visual tools modding will be dead easy.
any how enjoy the sneek peek


PS you can resize/maximize the window with your mouse like normal .

Its win 64 build rite now , but others are coming


Very cool!  I'll give this a try later!  Thank you, Scott!  Welcome!


I have particle bassed nebulas working. I can't tell how heavy they are on CPU / GPU yet .. but they look better than I expected.

48 particles in that shot make a blue-green and fuchsia nebulas.

I will need to paint up a better nebula base particle textures tho.


Wow!  Very cool!  Looks great!  Welcome!

